adwokat dr Piotr Sobański LL.M. - Emotions in the courtroom. Stress management during a trial

4/30/2024 Zarządzanie emocjami Stress management Emocje w sądzie Emotions in the courtroom Asertywność Assertiveness adwokat dr Piotr Sobanski Zielona Gora

Emotions in the courtroom can be very diverse and intense. Both defendants and their families may experience strong emotions, such as fear, anger, or sadness. Many defendants may also feel shame or embarrassment due to their situation. On the other hand, victims and their families may also be overwhelmed with emotions, such as anger, sadness, or fear. They often hope for justice and expect the perpetrator to be punished for their actions. Emotions can also be observed in lawyers and judges in the courtroom. The former may be emotionally involved in their client's case and strive to represent them to the best of their ability. Judges, on the other hand, must remain impartial and objective, which can also be challenging, especially in difficult criminal cases.

All these emotions can influence the course of the legal process and decisions made in the courtroom. Therefore, it is important for all participants to remain calm and balanced to ensure a fair and efficient trial.

Managing emotions during the legal process can be difficult, but crucial for maintaining composure and control over the situation. Here are some tips that may help in dealing with emotions in the courtroom if you have been summoned for a case:

1. Stay calm and level-headed - try not to let emotions take over and maintain composure during questioning and confrontation with the other party.

2. Remember your rights - it is important to know your rights and be aware of your position in the legal process. This can help in maintaining confidence and increasing control over emotions.

3. Focus on facts - concentrate on facts and evidence, rather than emotions. By considering arguments in a logical and objective manner, you can avoid emotions influencing decisions and actions.

4. Plan your strategy - think about your goals and how you can achieve them during the legal process. Developing a strategy can help in maintaining motivation and control over emotions.

5. Be assertive - express your emotions and opinions openly and assertively, but with respect for other parties. Effective communication can help in resolving conflicts and negotiations in the courtroom.


Remember that emotions are a natural part of the legal process, but it is important to manage them skillfully and not let them dominate the situation. By following the above tips, you can better deal with emotions in the courtroom and achieve desirable outcomes.